Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dear On The Media:

Your recent story about a congressional bill to make newspapers into nonprofits caught me half asleep in bed as it was aired over WBUR in Boston on Sunday morning.

However, through the morning fog I noticed that no mention was made that the newspaper beneficiaries of such a bill are virtually all megaphonic cheerleaders for their local corporate monopoly ball teams which are composed of numerous multimillionaires almost all of whom are male.

I seem to recall that your story also got to the ideals of newspapering and journalism. I remember, and have been greatly affected by, the discussion of objectivity during the Watergate/Nixon era. Too bad virtually no one in journalism (OTM excepted) continues this discussion or supports such ideals. Journalism consistently, close to unanimously, willingly trades its ideals for the opportunity to freely, without question and without charge, promote the "ideals" of ball playing.

Here in Boston, WBUR takes my support and interest for the ball team so much for granted that this summer I got hourly inning by inning updates of the games, as well as the "pre-news" announcements of who would be pitching. This despite the fact that the "News" involved can be found in so many other sources. I thought the raison d'etre of public radio was to NOT do that.

OTM's next story was about some historic reporting on the KKK. How many members of that organization are/were sports fans? What is a "Good Old Boy" but a loyal lifetime dependable sports fan? What is the framework of the "glass ceiling" if not sports fandome? Is that sports paraphanalia we find in the home and vehicle of the latest outrageous violent criminals? These and other questions will apparently never be answered by the cheerleaders of the "news" media. ["Please, Comrade. Are we not all members of the same Party?" . . . Sports?]

Sorry if I got off on a tangent but I just don't see how any issue related to "The News Media" can be discussed without bringing it back to America's Own Iron Curtain Propaganda Machinery.

Tags: News Industry of Socio/Psychological Juveniles. Dumb Journalism, Jocksuckers.


Brian Joyce

Brian Joyce
P.O. Box 8313
East Lynn, MA 01904

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