Friday, September 24, 2010


November 26, 2012: 
Apply as so many have done throughout the CENTURIES ! ! !
B. "N-U" J. 

CONSENSUAL SEX is much better for the SOUL
(how ever you may define that)
B. "N U" J

May 2011: Speaking as someone who has been jailed in America from Hyannis to Los Angeles and from Seattle to Miami, I would like to report that I have never witnessed any sexual activity of any kind while in jail: not rape, not consensual sex, not masturbation; as is to be reasonably expected from a random group of men who have been thrown into oppressive circumstances with potentially nonstop surveillance.  Some people (cluck cluck) have strange (fearful) ideas about the behavior of men. I find it amusing (not) that the gutless sellouts who haven't yet found a reason to go to jail against the United S___heads of America continue to perpetuate the belief that going to jail should be something to denigrate and make shameful.  I wonder what their stand on torture is?  Have you heard about the sexual activities of the hero Chilean Coal Miners? Oh, that's right . . . they're National Anthem singing good people. Ha Ha Ha

. . . AND STORE !  . . . 
                     Apple Has No Comment
                                                          April 20, 2011

January 30, 2011:


The following scans are from a book in my possession published in 1979:

Now, I haven't done a thorough architectural survey of recent New England architecture but I know that most Americans are capable of holding the simple concept: "McMansion." Meanwhile, I also know from experience that most American college grads would not be able to define the term "berm" or express an understanding of the basic principles of "home geothermal design".

The energy saving architectural designs in these drawings have been almost entirely ignored by New England developers, contractors, and architects -- you know "the job makers".  The people who made a killing in the recent era of prosperity.  Take note that this style of Architecture is rather "Space Age" in appearance while the typical "McMansion" has that Grandmotherly appeal that every American Man finds irresistable.

Some personal anecdotal "evidence":  In the past ten years, whenever I've visited a big box hardware store, I've made it a point to stop at the book section to see what is currently being offered to support or encourage solar/geothermal home design -- NOTHING.  I haven't even been able to find a book on simple greenhouse additions.  But there were plenty of books on Gazebos (now, there's a brilliant Capitalist investment) and swimming pools.

In 1979 I was just entering Homelessness.  In the five years previous I had made an independent hobby/study/lifestyle (artist poverty) of THRIFT which included energy conservation, materials recycling and organic home gardening.

In those same years I was an advocate of Individualistic Libertarianism.  That was the post-Nixon era and I believed in the "Two Party" cliche so I registered as a Republican -- it seemed so outrageously avante garde at the time.  What a mistake.

Let me bear witness as an artist here:  Despite having made some limited, but theoretically conservative, national press attention at the time, never has a Republican, a Libertarian, or Conservative ever sought me out to engage in that "sacred practice" called TRADE.  I could probably count my lifetime paying customers on my fingers and toes and still afford an amputation or two. (Ah, Van Gogh)

My career, as well as the "career" of energy saving architectural design can only conclude that Capitalism, conservatism -- in fact modern day Americanism -- [is for dummies] has no affinity for independent creative expression which is advocating creative solutions.  "The Greatest Country in the World" cultivates controllable, standard thinking, employees who, it is preferred, will always be -- and always want to be -- institutionalized.

P.S. A version of Architectural Berming, known as "The Dugout" was the prefered architectural style of first generation of American Prairie Pioneers.

January 15, 2011:


STAND OVER HERE:  They say they want UNITED WE STAND but they're unwilling  to STAND with a subway strap in their hand . . . . Some of WE smell too much like pioneers.

They want to God bless America but when the snows of God come down they send out the National Guard because the work of their God is in the way of their true deity:  The Car.

They invade the habitat of downtown Boston with their cars each July, and for every ball game, to celebrate their alleged independence while entirely dependent on oil.  Their celebrations of Independence absolve them from any responsibility to seek their own independence.  What won't they do for their oil?  What stupid ideas won't they consume and promote to keep that oil price down?  What good ideas won't they deny, ignore, and drive into poverty?  Pray to their oil execs.  Destroy the soil upon which their wheels stand.

October 18, 2010
This is a follow up essay to an FCC (Federal Communications Commission) complaint regarding SPORTS BROADCASTS.  The very readable text of the FCC complaint follows this essay:

An assembly of paragraphs: pick one

1) For years, mostly on the streets, I have been posing some questions related to a society which gives so much attention to sports -- a scatological madman howling sociological/psychological questions which I still find left insufficiently answered.  Where the hell are the social sciences?* [see addenda below]   

2) Fundamental questions: Are these ubiquitous major league ball games and their grade school versions healthy and desirable?  For society?  And for the childhood audience that their addictive-substance, alcohol-sponsored, games target? And if they are, is the alleged social unity and reflected community pride healthy and desirable? Are these (flimsy) social pride virtues really desirable when it is predictable that there will always be dissidents and refuseniks { :) } amid a society of rabid adherants? But even if the games are healthy, there are the habitat issues:  Are the regular downtown traffic coronaries healthy?  To the drivers?  To the residents?  To the neighborhood habitat for humanity and wildlife?

3) I've always got other questions cooking:  How far would children take ball gaming without the supervision, encouragement, and domination of adults?  I hypothesize that children would take ball playing -- on their own -- about as far as wild horses would be to regularly race around a track on their own.

4) I consider it OBSCENITY for an adult to continue to perform BEFORE CHILDREN with a bleeding ankle injury for the sake of a ball game.
Sports is not, as they say, the Allegory of Life.  (Unless one considers life to be a totalitarian situation with a potentially abusive coaching staff and an ever present referee breathing down your neck.)  Sports is an Allegory of War. 

5) Maybe it's just me but when I consider the variety of activities of my childhood, many of which involved some aspect of exploring, to assign any significant importance of my boyhood to any kind of ball field, to even suggest that it was the center of my childhood, is to assign my past to a poverty of experience.  Would we put the characters of Mark Twain or Charles Dickens in ball uniforms?  Could the panoramas of these characters exist if their lives circulated upon the ball fields? 

6) Ball fields: a captive flattened landscape surrounded by chain link fencing and dependent upon at least one civil servant riding a large, loud, gaseous lawn mower?  If that's the scene of some kind of Civilization then I think I'm destined to be its enemy when I grow up.

7) Those balmy summer sunsets . . . at sunset there were those idyllic hide and seek games where the boys and girls played peaceably together and everyone was equal, the older and younger, big and small, the admired and the disliked . . . amid the fireflies . . . and then the institutionalists showed up to drag us away to their damn Little Leagues to establish and reinforce hierarchy.

8) A ball is the simplest of toys which can sometimes strip even the most dignified person with its fascinations.  I can not hope to stop boys and girls from playing ball games.  Nor can I hope to oppose the gushes of eleven year olds for the best ball players among their peers.

9) However, the institutionalization and ultimate hegemony of sports, beginning with the little leagues, consciously or not, conspiratorially or not, step by step, grade by grade, league by league, generation of adult overseers to generation of adult overseers, over time institutionalizes the leadership of those eleven year old ball stars for life. One day you woke up or you will wake up and some guys, who have been pampered for life by older men -- who have been pampered for life by older men -- are now, and perhaps always have been, in charge of the empire of which you are a part.

10) Is preceding is a stretch?  Here's the record:  War since the day I was born.  War for the last century.  America at war for the last four hundred years.  Can the wealthiest country on the planet claim four hundred years of victimhood?  There's a social mental illness here.  And since the social sciences are on holiday, the homeless guy is left to address some unspoken issues.

11) OK, I'm taking a leap -- the regimentation that team sports require (and consider for example, the berating coaches, the formations, the repetitions, sychronizations etc.) combined with the origins of the immature standards of leadership, eleven year olds, will always point us to, if not lead us to, war.

12) We all know that going to war is often characterized by the stockpiling of weapons and very likely an arms race.  But I want to postulate here that War also requires a well primed population willing to trade in any independent conscience for the sensations of hysteria and the delusional security of the group.  I wonder where the population gets well primed?

Brian Joyce October 18, 2010

*Addenda: 1) Donors from India last week gave Harvard University its biggest monetary gift ever.  [Time to say:  "Rich get richer."]  2) Here in Greater Boston we have a national talk show host broadcaster who is also the author of a best selling book on the theme "Liberalism is a Mental Illness".  3)I am amazed at the vortextual appetite human beings, myself included, seem to have an for information on Hitler and Nazism.  4)Next month the United States is holding elections after at least two years of aberrant nationalist stalemate politics.  5)Despite all of the aforementioned, STILL, the Social Science Departments of the Institutions have had neither the sense nor the ability to produce a popular guide which provides the easily provable diagnosis that "Nationalism actually is a mental illness."

September 20, 2010


RE:  Text of accompanying FORM 2000E - MEDIA GENERAL COMPLAINT

Dear FCC:

Believe me, I realize that my opinion is quite the minority in relation to the issues I'm raising.  Nevertheless, I am filing this complaint to oppose the undisguised bias in relation to the "reporting" of sporting events by  WBUR-FM Boston.  I should also preface that rather than being dispassionate I am leaving my own prejudices on this matter quite exposed because I have every reason to believe that few employees of the FCC, few American citizens, or indeed,  few modern humans anywhere on the planet, have ever come in contact with the reasoning of my point of view:

1) The ball teams of Boston and the Region and the Country are SPECIAL INTERESTS.  They are (BIG) CORPORATIONS which are cogs on even bigger national corporate organizations.  And they are legislatively supported MONOPOLIES. 

2) The participants in the games, on the field and in the office, are quite often millionaires. 

3) The games are cross promoted by a gravy train of corporations from donuts to sneakers to tires etc. and also a gravy train of institutions -- schools, colleges, museums, conventions, churches (yes, even from the pulpit, yes, even from WBUR's broadcast Sunday Service).  Nearly everywhere that there is pavement, or broadcast signals, there is somebody or something promoting these SPECIAL INTEREST, CORPORATE, MONOPOLY Games. 

4) Boston's ball teams are already regularly reported on by virtually every other broadcaster as "news".  There are several FCC recognized all-sports stations in the area that are devoted exclusively to detail reportage of sports.  Nevertheless, this National Public Radio affiliate -- WBUR-FM -- not only reports the most recent results of the Boston area professional sports organizations (the past) but often informs listeners, at station identification, of the scores of games in progress (the present) and, moreover, informs listeners of games upcoming and the players who will be featured (the future); this last is not reportage at all but free promotion of what is already ubiquitously over-promoted to the benefit of ball game millionaires.

6) That it was profitable for the PRIVATE print media of the nineteenth century to serve the ball teams -- to increase circulation, to drive out more specialized and/or literary publications and to thereby establish what has become a(n unfortunate) journalistic sports tradition -- does not justify the use of the PUBLIC airwaves to propagandize . . . regularly -- rhythmically -- like a train -- clattering down the tracks . . . the delusional value of these SPECIAL INTEREST, CORPORATE, MONOPOLIES or their socio/psychologically juvenile activities.

7) It is my opinion, that to take it for granted that all of its public broadcast listeners have an interest in these games is totalitarian in spirit.  I, for one, am not interested in the games and I would be perfectly happy to leave it at that -- to call it a difference of tastes.   However, and with my sincere apologies, I must object to the INFERENCE that I and all the population of this region are supporters of these teams and I must object to the INFERENCE that we universally accept these SPECIAL INTEREST CORPORATE MONOPOLIES as in some way representative of all of us. These inferences are the very defacto nature of modern professional sports which virtually ALL OF US -- and I take no one for granted here -- are aware of even if some will choose not to acknowledge it.

8) I object to the members of media organizations who, with or without conscious intention, possess the mantle, or who create the aura, of idealistic journalistic standards but who are so lacking in intellectual maturity that they have apparently never questioned their doggish loyalty and consequently their biases and the biases they encourage about these teams. 

9) How obvious is it that at any given time Greater Boston has hundreds, probably thousands, of other events which PUBLIC airwaves PUBLIC Broadcaster WBUR-FM chooses to ignore in favor of updating the PUBLIC on a small handful of SPECIAL INTEREST CORPORATE MONOPOLIES and their millionaires?

As a visual artist whose qualifications include having lived homeless on the streets of America for decades, lived years when only a dollar a week has passed through my hands, and who even now can afford no other regular media contact except radio, I am submitting this complaint about this broadcast institution which hasn't the journalistic devotional clarity to consider, to question, and to end their promotion of broadcast and cultural conformity.


                Brian Joyce

Brian Joyce
P.O. Box 8313
East Lynn, MA 01904

339 970 4760

For More BJoyceArt links to Art, Opinion, Videos, and More go to

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ISSUE: Cannabis: Taxation and Regulation


"Four score and seven years ago our fore fathers were looking for a new source of tax revenue . . . . --- Abraham Lincoln ?

If one holds the view that Legalized marijuana is akin to a can of beer, a pack of cigarettes or a one armed bandit then I suppose one would next consider taxing and regulating Cannabis like a vice,  Let's not forget that this view leads inevitably to the corporatizing and marketing of marijuana as well.  I happen to view  Cannabis as an item in an independent organic garden.

When ever appropriate, and even when not, I like to remind the world that I don't consider my Cannabis Use to be a Second Class effort of human intellectual and spiritual endeavor.  I consider it a First Class SKILL of which the non-users  are either incapable and/or incompetent.  {Prohibitionist nonusers usually have enslaved the survival of their Divinely Created bodies and minds to institutions which are designed to prohibit Cannabis Enlightenment --- institutions whose existance and/or scale the nonuser's prophets or forefathers never had relation.} I also consider legalization,  and the numerous other lifestyle issues which circulate around it (like Planets to the SUN) to be a first class (and international) Liberation Struggle. 

The Taxation and Regulation Route to Legalization will only lead to continued Second Class Status for (those who hold) the best ideas of our AGE.  The Power Structure would still have it that those who "invested" in the latest big screen television, rather than solar panels, are more solid citizens than those who use Cannabis.  The Power Structure still doesn't appreciate that the lowest "BUM" on the street has become a more responsible citizen by default than those who eat the world's resources as though those resources were infinite.  Why should we consider that American Taxation and Regulation will lead anywhere but to Corporate Ball Games sponsored by Chemical Riddled Regulated Budweizer Marijuana JOINTS, with all seeds controlled by Monsanto, taxed by and for the drone bombing of scrawny, ragged people, as we sitting fat and happy on a burning planet unheeding of animal extinctions? 

EVERYONE knows that freedom demands legalization of Marijuana --- EVERYONE excepting those who are regularly fear mongered on this and all Liberation issues and who fall upon their cowardice into illogic and status quo paralysis.  Legalize it.  Legalize it without preconditions.  Legalize it not with Taxation and Regulation but legalize it with APOLOGIES from the institutions !  And if Legalization with Apologies is too outrageous then Legalize it with REPARATIONS.

Brian Joyce

Brian Joyce
 P.O. Box 8313
East Lynn, MA 01904

339 970 4760

For More BJoyceArt links to Art, Opinion, Videos, and More go to

Friday, January 8, 2010

BREWER FOUNTAIN on Boston Common

The Brewer Fountain on Boston Common, which is a bronze copy of a fountain
which won a gold medal at the Paris World's Fair in the 1860's.

My intitating experience at the Brewer Fountain is dear enough to me
that I've written this short essay:

Around '68 or '69 I was a sophmore or junior in Needham (Mass.)High School.  My girlfriend and I conspired to skip school one really nice spring
morning and ride the commuter train into Boston.  This trip was a true adolescent adventure for us as previously Boston was some place we were driven through by adults.  In the late morning we started
across Boston Common diagonally from the Park Square area towards Park
Street Station.  Just as we got to where the Information Cabin now is,
we encountered a real life anti-Viet Nam War demonstration parading
down Tremont Street. 

At the time the anti-war Hippies were making legendary and controversial headlines and TV news with draftcard burnings and cetera but in our protected suburbs we had never actually encountered them.  At this parade the Hippies seemed rather surprisingly serious.  They may have been shouting or singing but
what I remember is that they were not happy.  The parade was sombre . .
. and ragged.    I don't think their were 50 marchers.  Twenty would
have been more like it.  And they had all the traffic on Tremont Street
rerouted or stopped in support of their demonstration rights*.  I have a
vague memory of the parade being preceded by some motorcycle cops.  What
I won't forget is that the parade was led by two ragged guys carrying a
wide anti-war banner that must have read "STOP THE WAR" or something.
The banner carrier closest to us was in his mid-twenties.  Maybe
mid-thirties.  Maybe ageless.  He was shirtless, likely barefoot, and he
had a long beard.  He is what I remember most.

So the parade passed, and my girlfriend and I had one more awesome
illicit teenage scenario to file in our catalogue of growing independent

We continued on up the Tremont/Common walkway and not too much further
we happened upon Brewer Fountain with its bronze half clad longhairs
sitting along its base.  We couldn't help but be struck that these
bronze figures seemed to have come to life to hold the anti-war parade.

Maybe the spray from the fountains got to our heads.  If you ask me, it was on that day at Brewer Fountain that we, for all practical purposes, got "baptized" as Hippies, bless our pointy little suburban heads.  We certainly weren't the same after that day as evinced rather quickly by our fashion style.

After the fountain we crossed Tremont over to Winter St.  and climbed the stairs to the poster and hip ephemera shop!

Brian Joyce

 *Footnote; Around this time Alabama Governor George Wallace, who gave a
 speech at the Boston Common Gazebo (a hundred feet from where we stood)
 was running for President and one of his threats was that he would have
 his limo run over any dirty hippies who blocked traffic and who
 inconvenienced him in the way that the hippie parade had done.
  Brian Joyce 

Brian Joyce
P.O. Box 8313
East Lynn, MA 01904

339 970 4760

For More BJoyceArt links to Art, Opinion, Videos, and More go to
Very Brief Essays: January 8,2009

First off, I question whether competition is something to be desired. That it may [at times] exist, can [sometimes] be accepted. But that it should be valued, encouraged, or manipulated to advantage I will argue against. Those who point to the racing child as example of humanity's hard-wire to a competitive nature should consider the younger child still . . . ebullient with the ecstasy of flight and capture. But in either case, that doesn't obviate the out---growing and maturing beyond the toyings of children . When your Alzheimers kicks in you will have plenty of time to practice your immature notion of "Forever Young".

Ever notice how those who most avidly recommend the value of competitiveness are also most likely to recommend the value of COPS ? (Contempory talk radio fans?) And of course . . . competitive cops are even better; maybe even required. It shouldn't take a prophet to predict the fate of the innocent when cops and competition are combined.

So there they are ------ THE THREE ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS making endless War against each other and threatening the rest of the World in the process. Yet the "responsible" members of these religions you will always assure that the members of their own sect are free of violent fanaticism and in (their) truth ALL of the "responsible" children of Abraham are peace loving. Yet there they are . . . STILL making War ! "We Preach Peace but we find ourselves at War" they say. Take them to a stadium and say: "Aggression is what is preached here. Could this be a source of Crime and War?"

Brian Joyce
P.O. Box 8313
East Lynn, MA 01904

339 970 4760

For More BJoyceArt links to Art, Opinion, Videos, and More go to