Saturday, April 4, 2009

Where the (my) (blogging) problem begins

Do you believe in Free Enterprise? Ok. But I want you to consider the following: The thing that Corporations, Government, Religion, Museums, and Colleges all have in common is that they are all Institutions. And my experience is that they all are involved in creating myths. And speaking from my poverty experience money is made by those who have an institution. In fact, money is an artifice of institutions. Money has nothing to do with how hard or well one works. "Get a job" really means "Get an Institution". The singer asks "Where would you be without Love?" I want to ask "Where would you be without your institution?" "Where would your Love be?"

Personally, I have chosen to do without. An' I ain't givin' in. So when you want the point of view of human/planet/reality without insulation (natural man) this is the place.

Looking for a natural woman.

Brian Joyce

Brian Joyce
P.O. Box 8313
East Lynn, MA 01904

339 970 4760

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